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Katwijk aan zee: from nature reserves, shopping to diving into history

Katwijk aan zee, one of the many coastal towns in the Netherlands, offers one of the most beautiful beaches in the Netherlands, a rich history and enough activities to fill a long stay. Although most guests naturally come to walk along this beach in South Holland, it is certainly worthwhile to visit a nearby nature reserve. Wooded areas where the sound of the rushing ocean and the seagulls are never far away are, for example, Pan van Persijn, Lentevreugd, Ganzenhoek or further south, for example Meijendel.

Nature reserves Katwijk
Besides the fact that wooded areas such as Pan van Persijn (or for the Katwijk population: Panbos) are nice places for a stroll, for cycling, picnicking or sports, you will also find remnants of the rich history associated with Katwijk. For example, a remnant of a tank wall runs through the area that is still part of the Atlantic Wall. This 5000 meter long line of defense ran from the northernmost point of Norway to the southernmost point of Spain during World War II. The bunkers, cannons and minefields along this line were to prevent an invasion.

Besides walking on the beach of Katwijk or through one of the forests in the area, the sloping golf courses of the Oegstgeester Golf Club are also not far away. For lovers of a game of golf, there are plenty of golf courses in South Holland in the area, so that a weekend at the beach can also be combined with a more sporty interpretation.

Katwijk lighthouse
Whoever visits a beach in the Netherlands, specifically a visit to the beach of Katwijk, can of course not skip a visit to the lighthouse. Although the Katwijk lighthouse does not have the standard red and white stripes on the outside, the white rectangular building is nevertheless a recognizable point in the area. It is the second oldest lighthouse in the Netherlands and can be admired since 1605. If you want more information about the lighthouse or about a visit, you can read more about it here.

In any case, a visit to Katwijk aan zee provides a wonderfully blown-out and relaxed feeling. It is wonderful to immerse yourself in all the beautiful nature that Katwijk and the surroundings of Katwijk has to offer during your stay. For those who are also looking for a stay where the city is never far away, a stay at Hotel Noordzee can be perfectly combined with a visit to nearby The Hague. Here you can fully immerse yourself in city life where, for example, a visit to the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag and the shopping streets should of course not be missed.